Tire Expiration

Expiration dates should clearly be put on tires. Every year 3,000-6,000 people in the U.S. are killed by not knowing when their tire expires. According to news articles and papers, there have been simulations that show a tire being defected and a professional driver having a hard time getting the car under control. Now, imagine a regular civilian having an even harder time trying to control his or her car. That is why we would like to propose a bill that puts expiration dates on tires. This bill will help reduce the car crashes in the USA and will save thousands of dollars in taxpayer money.

Section 1:
In this bill we want to enforce to keep your tires for no longer than 6-10 years. Driving with tires over 6-10 years old is an avoidable safety hazard. The rubber in older tires begins to break down which may cause the tire to rupture causing the car to lose control. The expiration date for bringing tires in will be after 10 years after production date. But we will specifically put the law into place 40 days after our bill is approved. This gives the people time check their tires and see if they need to be changed or see how many years they have left.
Section 2:
Our Auto Mechanics and Admission testers will enforce the law. They will be the one’s checking the expiration dates on the tires and either replacing them or telling the pedestrian how many years until the tires need to be replaced. Also, when they arrive at the mechanics shop, they will be given a pamphlet to explain why the tires are being replaced. These pamphlets will be handed out at the mechanics shop and admissions testing. They will also be handed out at any car check up when the tires are replaced. This ensures that if people don’t exactly remember when their tires were changed they have their auto mechanics to remind and check up on them.

Section 3:
The penalties for driving with or selling tires over 10 years old is a $750 fine. This fine will only be used 5 years after the bill has been passed to ensure time for retailers to check all of their stock and drivers to check all of their tires. Any retailer, who continues to sell outdated tires, will be fined 70% of possible profits on tires after the bill has been in effect for 5 years. This fine should be enough to make sure everyone on the road is up to par with the safety measure put in place.

Section 4:
There are about 3,000-6,000 people who die in car crashes every year in the U.S. related to expired tires. Not only is there a way to stop this but it is cheap and simple. Every year approximately $5,000 is spent on individual car crashes. With replacing your tires every year, you can save a lot of money. This decreases car crashes and is better for everyone.

Final Section:
Every year there are many people who don’t replace tires that need to be replaced. This results to accidents, family tragedies, and death. Hospital bills, car bills and everything can stack up so quickly. But with one quick and simple trip to the mechanic shop, your tires can be replaced and the hassle of bills stacking up and family members missing disappears. With your approval of the bill, a better life can be made for not only the U.S. but for families everywhere.

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