Random Writing

The Clearing

It can be a problem when a person you don’t like is your neighbor. You live so close that you see each other everyday, however it is important to be friendly to your neighbor. Neighbors help each other by shoveling snow, watching their home when they’re gone or just helping each other out. “The Clearing” demonstrates the importance of neighbors working together.

A Secret for Two
Animals can be your pet, part of a farm, or companions you work with. You can become so close to an animal that you consider them a friend. As a friend, they keep your secretes and love you all the time, because of this you may find yourself treating them like a human rather than an animal. You should always treasure your friends, no matter whom or what they are.

The Circuit
Imagine your family has to move frugally and never stays in one spot for an extended period of time. You may love some spots, but you can’t stay for long. You can’t make friends because you have to work all the time. Right now you may be thinking “This is not how people live.”, but there are many who live this way. Each person has to experience the circle of life for survival.

The Glorious White Washer

Imagine yourself as a child free of any work, but then observing someone else doing an activity you can’t. Wouldn’t you be interested in it? It is all about using your brain to make people think that work you’re doing is fun.

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