A Child Who Lost It All

Why didn’t you take him back? Just because he was something he shouldn’t have been It’s not his fault It’s his higher ups It makes me really sad To know that he went back To where he used to be To the way he used to be The bad place The bad way And not taken back in To where he should have been The whole time Safe and sound in your arms You had a second chance to have him back After losing track of him But you stabbed him in the back Just because he was something he shouldn’t have been How do you think he felt When his hope was shut out Maybe he wanted to start over He worked hard to come back To where he is supposed to be But you showed that you don’t care And put him back to where it all started The path of death and horror Back to being A child soldier I wrote this in memory of Mambu, a child soldier in the Sierra Leone war who was rejected by his family even after he was rehabilitated. He was a friend of Ishmael Beah, the author of A Long Way Gone. It’s a must read.

Don't you get that

Death is permanent Don’t you get that? If you do Then why? Why push me Towards it? Ignoring me Pushing me away Punching and kicking Calling me names That hurts so much Acting like you care Only to dump me at a fair Death is the end So why do you want me to end If you don’t then stop Because you’re making My life end short But you don’t realize Until the deed is done Death is permanent Don’t you get that? I have written this in the point of view of a person who is suicidal, so that you get a taste of what it feels like to them

Can see me

Hey! I'm right here Can’t you see me? Did you think I didn’t hear That you don’t really care But can’t you see that I can Can’t you see my pain… My misery Can’t you see me calling out Calling out in need I’m trying to tell you What I really need Can’t you see me Me in need Of a savior A hero I’m a damsel in distress I need saving But no one Can see me I have written this in the point of view of a person who is suicidal, so that you get a taste of what it feels like to them

Just a Thing

Why? Why me? What did I ever do To make you be so cruel My life isn't a plaything Nor is it a game I am a living breathing thing So why are you hurting me? Did I do this to you!? Because I don't recall a thing All I asked for Was your support Someone I could lean on A shoulder to cry on Someone to talk to But you all left me in The dust Just because of a stupid bust Is that really all I am to you? A plaything? Something to make you feel better While I'm trapped in the gutter? I'm not a friend Just a thing So I guess it won't matter If I put my head on a platter I really don't want to But I don't know what to do You've taken everything Because i relied on you But I'm just a thing A thing that is Stupid Ugly Not cool Ect. But I'm not I'm.... Beautiful Funny Playful A Good Listener A somebody Not a nobody But to you I'm just a thing I have written this in the point of view of a person who is suicidal, so that you get a taste of what it feels like to them



Are you there?

Cause I need to talk

Before my time is up

I can't stop thinking

That my end is here...

I really don't want to go

But where else do I go?

Do I forget and forgive

When they don't

Do I move

I feel so lost

I've lost everything…

I have written this in the point of view of a person who is suicidal, so that you get a taste of what it feels like to them

A Friend

I've lost everything But all I need is one thing A person A friend Somebody Who can listen And help me through 'Cause I don't know What to do But I just need one thing To put me back on tract A friend A true friend A best friend Who'll listen And know When I'm about to fall That’s why I'm calling out Can you hear my cry Please let me know If you can hear my call Before I go… I have written this in the point of view of a person who is suicidal, so that you get a taste of what it feels like to them

Arab Springs

The Arab Spring has been popping up in many countries in northern Africa and central Asia. But many people have started to question whether or not the revolutions created by the spring are for the better good. There are many positive effects coming from the Arab Springs. But the biggest one is that the citizens of those countries that has gone through or are still going through the revolution get to start over. New governments mean there are new choices to choose from, new leaders who have a different way of looking at situations. With those new leaders comes justice for those who did wrong and laws that only hurt the people are removed. With the older and outdated laws being removed, a better life is possible for everyone. The citizens can now make their own decisions on how they want to live, and they are given their rights back; including the right to freedom. There are many negatives effects as well but it all starts with the person in charge not wanting to give up their power and giving themselves more power until they control everything. After some time the people disagree with the dictator and start protesting, the government fights back and you get violence between the two groups. That Violence leads to deaths and families torn apart, and along with all of that the economy goes bad. Which only causes more trouble for the people who are fighting for freedom. With the economy down, prices go up on everything and people can’t take care of their families with all the money being lost. Now other countries d get involved because they’re being affected as well. Most of them side with the people, the angered government tights it grip on the people with more rules and regulations. That only leads to more fighting, then after the people win and the dictator finally stands down, the people still have to deal with the biggest effect. It will take a really long time for the process of getting the country back into order and where the people want it to be. All in all we’ll have to wait and see what happens. Then and only then can we decide if the revolutions were for the better.

Cutlural Universal

There are seven cultural universals; basic needs, beliefs, family, technology, arts and leisure, government and economy, and communication and education. All of these different things affect many lives; however some of them have more affect than others. I believe the three cultural universals that have affected my life the most is family, beliefs, and government and economy. Family is the most important thing to me, so why won’t it affect the way I live my life. The cultural universal family is all about courtship, marriage, and kin groups like friends or adopted family members. In my opinion family is supposed to help make your life better, but in some places that’s not so true. In the article “Marriage or Else,” by Rod Nordland and Alissa Rubin I learned that in Afghanistan girls have no say in who they are going to be with for the rest of their lives. It’s really their father’s decision, and usually the father gives his daughter away to settle debts or he’ll being feeding one less mouth if he gives her away. Learning about these facts made me feel grateful that I have the power to choose my own husband, and when I do choose him it’ll be for love and not for money. Family can affect who you live your life with but beliefs affect who you are. My beliefs and my opinions are important to my life because they show who I am. The cultural universal beliefs is all about religion, political opinion, funeral rites and how you take care of your body. In my opinion beliefs shape who you are because you are free to choose them. However I learned that that’s not all ways the case in other countries around the world. In the article “The World’s Newest Dictator,” by Patricia Smith I learned that in North Korea there is no freedom of religion like there is here in the US. In North Korea the dictators force the people who live there to worship them like they’re a god, and the citizens have no choice but to do so. Some of them may believe in a different religion but they have to worship in secret. Just thinking about how those people are forced to do something they may not want to do is scary to me. If they are not able to choose their beliefs then they’re just puppets because they have nothing to say about who they are. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I live in a country where I can choose my religion and opinions. So everyday I’m not afraid to tell others my opinions and beliefs, without being rude of course. Beliefs may show who you are but the government and the economy show you how you can live your life within the laws. The government and the economy both affect people lives a lot because of the laws laid down and how those laws affect the health of the country. The cultural universal government and economy are all about the country’s structure, laws, property rights, division of labor and status differentiation. In my opinion the USA’s government has laws in place to not only protect its citizens but also to keep them happy. However after reading many articles I learned yet again that that’s not always the case. Take China’s One-Child Policy, it was made to protect the country from being over populated but now a days it’s just hurting the country. The policy has created a huge hole between how old people are and some people are worried about who’s going to take care of the elderly in the future. It’s also making a lot of citizens angry because they want to have more than one child, but are afraid the government will take it away. I’m glad that every day the USA’s government is here to protect me but that it is also run by the people so that everyone is happy. Now the other four cultural universals affect my life as well but not as much as these three do. There are a lot of things that affect how you live your life, but sometimes you don’t have a choice about what affects it. But to all of you who live in other countries and don’t have the same type of government as I do, just remember that for the most part your life is affect how you want it to be.

I believe

As essential as oxygen is to life, I believe friends are a must in order to live life to the fullest. Without friends life is boring, and if life is boring how is it life? How many nights are you away from your house? What are you doing? Are you at a practice? Or are you at a school activity? That usually happens to me Monday through Thursday nights. But weekends are when I’m hanging out with my friends and there’s nothing the world can throw at me to stop it from happening. Weekends are known as my friend nights, along with other breaks from school or extended weekends. That time belongs to my friends and I to hanging out and having fun. There have been lots of research studies done about the effects of friends. In my opinion it’s kind of obvious what the effects are. People with friends are 100 times more likely to live a happy, healthy life with a husband or wife, children and a good job. In fact one study shows that people who look at friends as a must in life and not as a “don’t really need them” sort of thing live longer lives. Another study shows people without friends usual are more likely to be sick or depressed. Then for some people that depression turns into angry. Which then somehow twists their mind so they become a psychopath, which leads them to go on a killing rampage. At their trial their lawyer says not guilty by reason of insanity and the jury agrees with him. They end up putting them in a mental hospital in one of those special rooms for special people. The room is all white including the floor. They have to wear the straight jacket, so they have to be hand fed for the rest of their life. So people make friends, it saves lives. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have, you just need one to get started. Then that friend will introduce you to their friends and so on and so forth. Every day you have a chance to make friends, but you also have the chance of losing them. Think about how many friends have you lost? How did you lose them? Did they move away or were you the one who moved? Did you transfer to a different school or did they? Where they a friend you made from being part of a team and one year they didn’t play or you didn’t play? Were you friends at work and one of you switched shifts? Did you have a big fight and you never really got over it? Did you forget about them after having a long summer break without seeing them? Or did you simply just grow apart? I just named about twelve ways to lose a friend. I know there’s a really obvious way, but hopefully this hasn’t happen to you; they died……obviously you can’t be dead otherwise you won’t be listening to this speech. Or maybe you are and you just think its fun to listen to high school speeches in your after life or where ever we go after we die. Getting back on topic, there are millions of ways to make or lose a friend. Now a lot of you are probably thinking that I missed one of the newer ways to make a friend. Go online on Facebook or Twitter or some other social network. You can make friends online. How much do they know about you? Yes a few of your friends online may be people you know in real life, but some are people you’ve never met. In other words they could say whatever they want and you wouldn’t be the wiser. So they could say they’re a girl when they are really a guy or that they’re 15 years old when they really 42. I believe sites like Facebook and Twitter were made to keep in touch with old friends who have moved away from you or you moved away from them, or just people you don’t see very often anymore. I believe in a statement I learned when I was really little and still in Girl Scouts, “Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the others gold.” I have an Aunt who lives in Thailand, so I am friends with her on Facebook. We keep in touch that way, along with all the other family members that live outside of Wisconsin. Studies have shown that it’s harder to make friends the older you get, so start now. Some of you may be freaking out that you don’t have a lot of friends in high school. Don’t worry about it!!! One friend from high school will stay with you through the rest of your life, so it really doesn’t matter how many you have as long as you’re happy. So practice, be ready and most importantly be friendly. You never know when that special person or friend is going to come along.

Greatest Impact

The greatest impact on the world’s education is family. When you are going through school it’s great to have the support of your family when you are have a hard time understanding something or studying for a test. However there are some parts of the world where families are against sending their children to school. This is seen through the three part video “It’s Time for School”. You met seven children in seven different countries all trying to get a making through school to get an education. In Afghanistan you met Sugafu, who has the support of her family although traditions against girls getting an education. However Sugafu’s parents want her to have a better life then they did so they keep her in school when she could be helping around the house. Although this view point is very different compared to Neeraj’s parents, Neeraj lives in India where tradition are the somewhat the same as Afghanistan, boys get the education and girls do all the house work. Since the beginning of the three part video Neeraj has since dropped out of school because of her family’s need for her to be working at home. Neeraj’s parents don’t see the reason or importance for Neeraj to get an education. “We’ll just have her marry a boy with a good education that will make her happy”, Neeraj’s mother said on the video. Family support and approval are the key to make it through school which leads you to a better life. Some parts of the world already understand this but there are some that will take a while to understand this and be willing to change for it.


My Life Memiors

Can’t say, I haven’t died yet

Looking forward making it through college

A lot of crazy sports year-round

Books are my addiction, help me!

My mind I get lost in it!

My life a never ending adventure

Trying to decide what to do

Reading, a hobby traveling a game

Soccer a sport so is shopping

Excuse me seen my thought track

Friendship going haywire all the time

School a bore book to explore

English a drag science a brag

Always living in memories so fun

Sanity I lost that I while ago

True love? Can’t tell ya never known

Smelly fish, noisy rodent, fours cats…

Oboe so weird but so right

Boy’s unwanted thing to most girls

Babysitting! I had planned to go out!

I don’t know just goggle it!

Romeo and Juliet Memiors

Love or lust who can tell

Your parents are your unwanted most

Holy man who has bloody hands

In love death thy follows close

In death love grows soul connect

In death love grows even more

Noble man love is rejected in death

Supposed holy man has bloody hands

Ruler and king the unwanted referee

Secret marriage unwanted husband bloody ending

Secret love leads to bloody endings

I Can Be....

I can be anything I want to be
A writer
An explore
A cook
A food critic
A teacher
An archaeologist
A manger
An accountant
A banker
A doctor
A vet
An animal police officer
An athlete
An architect
The president
A leader
A friend
A reader
A fan
A geek
A musician
I can be a little bit of everything

What A Charmer

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 purpose is to introduce the lesser characters and show how easily the families fight. The families got into a fight even though Sampson wasn’t really “biting his thumb” at Abram. As the fight continues more and more family members joins the fight. Then some citizens who are feed up with all of their nonsense joins the fight which only makes it worst. When the Prince showed up everything hit rock bottom. He got real mad at both family and tells them that the next time they break the peace they’ll pay with their heads. Well I guess that’s one way to stop them from fighting. Later on Romeo finally showed up but all he could do was talk about his horrible love life. What a charmer.

A Child's Relationship

The story of Romeo and Juliet portrays a mother-daughter relationship that can only be described as awkward. In act one scene three Lady Capulet appears to be bossy and just wants Juliet to marry Count Paris. However Juliet doesn’t seem to want to want or care about marriage at the time of the conversation. When her nurse called her at the beginning of the scene Juliet answered like it was her real mother, and not her birth mother. When the nurse told her it was her actual mother calling her Juliet immediately straighten up and started to act like a proper lady instead of the teenager that she is. It seems to me that she likes the Nurse more than her own mother, because once her mother give birth to her she basically give Juliet over to the Nurse to be taken care of. If that was me I would be very mad with my mother because she didn’t even take the time to take care of me herself.
Now my relationship with my mother is totally different than Juliet’s. My mother was always there for me when I needed help, and her opinion is very important to me. Unlike Juliet’s mother my mother raised me along with my father and I rarely ever had a babysitter. Thanks to my mother I learned how to cook, how to sew, and how to do CPR way before a lot of kids my age did. Without her a lot the problems I had with my friends, family, school, and fashion emergency would never had been solved.
I believe that a child’s relationship with its parents or parent does affect how the child acts. If the parent treats the child madly then the child will become a bully at school. Why, because the child can’t take his or hers angry out on the parent so the child’s angry turns towards smaller children that can’t protect themselves. If the parent treats the child nicely and give it everything it wants then the child will think that is the way with everyone. Well it’s really not and when the child doesn’t get what it wants it throws a fit. There is a lot research that shows what I just said. So in order to have a child who isn’t spoiled and isn’t a bully you need to give it a little bit of what it wants but also teach it that needs come before wants.


Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet is to build the foundation for Romeo and Juliet's love at first scene. Count Paris wants to marry Juliet. He approaches her father, Lord Capulet to discuss marrying Juliet. Lord Capulet feels Juliet is too young for marriage. Meanwhile Juliet's mother and nurse believe she is ready for marriage, and that Paris would be a perfect husband. However Juliet shows no interest in love or marriage. That is about to change, as Romeo is accidentally invited to a party at the Capulet's mansion, along with Paris.

The Right To Chose Death

Your life meaning you are in control of it, what you eat or what you drink. Therefore you have the right to decide to die. But some people haven’t been able to do that because of doctors. Let’s put you into a situation where you are paralyzed from the neck down and you don’t want to live having to be taken care of like a baby until the day you die. Would you want that life, to have to depend on someone or else you’ll die? Probably not, and I don’t blame you cause I wouldn’t want that either. However the doctors that are giving you the machines that help you breathe and other things say you can’t choose you death because you’re mentally challenge! That is just wrong because those doctors haven’t lived through the pain and suffering that comes with being paralyzed or a disease that takes so much from you. If one is suffering and they want to die then they should have the right to. It’s their life; it’s in their control so why are we butting in on their decision?

A Friar's Decision

When Friar Lawrence made his decision to help Romeo with his secret wedding, he did so in hopes that the two families would stop fighting. Romeo and Juliet love each other very much so in order to take their love to the next level they have decide to get married in secret. But they need a priest to join them in God’s eyes so Romeo asks Friar Lawrence for his help, “I’ll tell thee as we pass, but this I pray: that thou consent to marry us today.” (2.3.63-64) Father Lawrence’s decision to help may not have been very wise because he didn’t think about what may happen if the Capulet’s and the Montague’s find out about the wedding. “Within the infant rind of this small flower, poison hath residence and medicine power. For this, being smelt, with the part cheers each part; being tasted, stays all senses with the heart.” (2.3.23 – 26) This marriage may end both his and many other Innocent people’s life, because of Romeo and Juliet’s love. However he may be thinking that Romeo won’t go through with the wedding because he finally came to his senses. By senses I mean finally realizing that he doesn’t truly love Juliet, he just lusted after her to the point where he got himself confused. With this in mind, we can see that love can be a beautiful thing but it may also lead people to do things they would never do in their right minds.

Human Trafficking

Trafficking is a hard topic to deal with, talk about or write about. There are millions of victims each year, and only a few thousands are saved. There is one country whose government is almost encouraging human trafficking. China’s One Child Policy is very simple to understand.
“The rules are simple: families are permitted only one child if the first is a son.” In China if your first child is a daughter, the government will allow you to have a second child in order to have a son. Any additional births come with a $3,500 fine. For those living and working in the country, that amount is equivalent to two decades wages. This policy came from traditions in China that value sons more than daughters. As one man put it sons are Gods and daughters are a burden because of the policy.
However many traditions in China go against the policy which leaves you wondering why on earth did they make the policy? “Family planning is very, very, very strict here. Last year, I had a son; so now we can’t have any more children. But the tradition here is big families and lots of sons. So no one is very happy,” a man by the last name of Xin said. Not many families have the money to keep an extra child, so they are willing to sell girls. In other cases families give up their first or second born daughters, so they can keep trying to have a son as their only child.
“It’s not that these people don’t love their babies. But they are very poor and if they can sell them for a few thousand Yuan, they will do it. Family planning limits encourage the selling of girls. That way they can give birth again and hope for a boy,” a trafficking official named Yu Qing said.
Experts say the kidnapping and sale of children is a direct result of China’s One Child policy. If a family can’t produce a son options include having one stolen from a family on the other half of the country, buy one that was already put up for sale or get one from the government. Officials have abducted children from families that won’t give up their extra child/children. Despite these issues the government of China refuses to see the damage that is being created by the One Child Policy.
As the One Child policy contains, it bring additional problems. There are many more males then females. As males approach the age to marry, they find there aren’t enough females. The shortage of marriageable woman increase the demand for abducted woman. Chinese woman and other woman from all around the world are being trafficked through China for sexual exploitation, forced marriage, illegal adoption, forced labor or they are left in the streets to beg for help that usual doesn’t come. Sometimes young girls are sold to become the wife of an older man. Victims’ lives are torn apart and no one is helping them.
The policy of limiting a family to one child, preferably a male comes with consequences that perhaps were not thought of when it was written. Parents have to decide which child to keep. Some parents make a decision to sell a child and will never know what ultimately happens to them. The most horrific consequences are to those who are abducted or sold into human trafficking. Policies are generally put into place to solve a problem. The simple One Child policy has created nothing but a complicated situation.

No End To Debt

Afghanistan’s status differentials in wealth will always be the same because of the citizens never ending debt. In Afghanistan citizens work their entire lives but only manage to pay off a fraction of their debt. In the article In Afghan Kilns, a Cycle of Debt and Servitude, you see a father, Mr. Muhammad, worried that his children will never fine happiness because they’ll have to pay off his debt when he dies. “For the vast majority of workers, there is no escape – for them or for their children, who are bound by their parent’s contracts.” The people of Afghanistan usual fall into debt because of the costs for a funeral or a wedding, so they ask for a loan from their employer. But when you are only paid pennies a day, which is barely enough to survive on, let alone too small to pay off their debts which continues to grow. “I was 7 years old when I started working, my family owned 10,000 rupees then. Today, we owe 150,000 rupees,” said Nick Muhammad. Not only will Nick and his brother have to pay their fathers debt but also their own if they want to get married. “But he looks at his father, trapped in the field of brick for 30 years. “I will have to borrow money to get married, but I am afraid if I borrow money from the kiln owner, then I will have to work here forever.” Think for a second if Nick does pay his father debt first before he dies then his children will have to pay off his debt. Then their children will pay their debt so on and so forth. It’s a never ending circle of debt.

Love Your Dearest Juliet

Thy Dearest Romeo,

Oh how I loved thee upon our first met. Thee eyes so full of depth. emotion, and love. Thee heart so full of love, that it makes mine overflow. Oh and thy love for you has no end. I believe beauty’s pen made you with me in mind. Thee body is made of wax, but thy soul is so gentle. Please make me wait no longer. Met me tomorrow morrow at the edge of the trees. Please I beg of you please met me. Our parents grudge doesn’t mean anything to me, only you mean everything to me.


Your Dearest Juliet

Just Need time

Please remember...
A huge change
Has happened
To my life
I just need time
And this is
All so new
I don't know
What to do
Besides hiding in
The corner
Feeling a
Little shy
I just need time
But please don't
Be afraid
To ask to
View me
If you think
I'm cute
I just need time
To come out
Of my shell
I'm really
Quite sweet
Once you get
To know me
But please
Just remember
I just need time

I Wish To Change

I wish to change the number of deaths
I wish to change the number of animals hurt
I wish to change the number of children left behind
I wish to change the number of hurt souls
I wish to change the amount of pollution in the world
I wish to change the world so that it is better for all

A Life's Guide To Hapiness

What is the definition of happiness? Well that’s really hard to say. What someone calls happiness or what makes them happy differs from person to person. It’s really up to you to make your own definition of happiness. My definition of happiness is to be at peace with yourself and those affecting your life.
Happiness is affected by so many things including what you do, what others around you do or the natural forces of the world. It can seem so silly that many small little things can decide how your day, week or month is going to go. Like that old phrase you hear your parents say when you are really crabby in the morning, “Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” I’ve found that waking up on my favorite side of my bed makes my day go so much better. Something as trivial as the socks you wear can make or break your day. I really hate the socks that my aunt gives me each year for Christmas. They always slide down into my shoe, so after five minutes I have to take my shoes off and pull up my socks.
In the article, “This is Water,” by David Foster Wallace, he says the way you think can block your happiness. When you focus on yourself and not on the bigger picture, you are never truly able to interact with other. If you let yourself think you're the center of the universe, you miss out on the happiness of being social. When you think about others, you may start to see a happier viewpoint of the world and others in it (Wallace). You cannot nurture your own soul by yourself. You need others around you to replenish.
There are times when things seem horrible and happiness does not seem to be an option. This happens only if you let it. For example, what would happen if you find out your mother was sick. It seems like there’s nothing you can do to help them and you start feeling helpless. Then you start wondering if they’re going to die, about their pain and so much more. You get upset and then one thing leads your thought to be out of control. You start seeing all the “what ifs” flashing before your eyes. Before you know it, you’re so depressed that you can’t make decision about anything. But are you really in a place where you can do nothing to be happy?
Remember there’s always a silver lining to every problem. Even when facing a major illness, your attitude and focus can all be influenced by the people you surround yourself with. One little smile or hello in morning can make your day shine. I believe this must especially be true during times of illness. The people around you will be you joy and motivation, which in turn will bring happiness. With their help, you can turn the negative into a positive.
Each day must be lived with a sense of purpose in all that you do. If you believe you have a purpose or a "personal legend" as Paulo Coelho calls it, your life will be complete. Coelho is the author of, The Alchemist, where the main character Santiago travels into the unknown because he believes that he has to follow his dreams to be happy or fulfilled in life. He worked for months get money to travel through the desert, where he finds the love of his life and his purpose. Of course there were hardships, but he worked through them and gained `knowledge. He also discovered powers beyond his wildest dreams and met so many friends that he know he would remember forever. “He thought of the many roads he had traveled, and of the strange way God had chosen to show him his treasure. If he hadn’t believed in the significance of recurrent dreams, he would not have met the Gypsy woman, the king, the thief, or… ‘Well, it’s a long list. But the path was written in the omens and there was no way I could go wrong’” (Coelho 165).
Whether you like it or not, sometimes you have to work at being happy. For those who aren’t very social, they have to work at it, so they can have the happiness of having others around them. A winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman says just that in the article, “The New Science of Happiness.” Kahneman asked 900 women in Texas to fill out a diary and questionnaire. It turns out the second most positive, happiness filled activity for these women was socializing (Wallis).
How many of us females would say hanging out with their friends and family is really fun? To me one of the keys to happiness is to surround yourself with people who truly support and love you for who you are. Whether it’s a small, close group of people or a large and wildly spread out group, being connected to others gives you so many opportunities. For example you can ask your friends for suggestions about people to fix things around your house or stores that they recommend. They can also tell you about jobs opportunities or a fun place to visit. The networking possibilities are endless within your group of people you care for.
Networking can also been done using a couple. A simple request for happiness in a search engine reveals over 57 million results. I’ll use the “keep it simple” principle, which is popular in my family. “The Happiness Project” suggests finding happiness is as easy as making 3 new friends. Research has shown people with at least 5 friends are more likely to label themselves as a happy person (Rubin). My personal experience has found this to be very true. In 7th grade, I really put myself out there are really tried to make a few good friends. I feel like I succeeded. In fact last year when my uncle died unexpectantly, they were there for me. I felt loved and supported. I had people who listened to me. Their support turned something bad into something good.
Happiness is always going to be a work in progress. Sometimes it comes easily, at other times it takes work and determination. Each of us needs to set our happiness bar, and then work toward achieving it. My personal happiness bar focuses on having family and friends around me, along with the goal to live life to the fullest, have no regrets, learn from times that caused pain, while never forgetting the great times. Do what you find fun or joy in doing, and don’t force yourself to do things that bring you down. That’s my personal message of finding happiness. What is yours?

Letter To Happiness

January 19, 2012

Dear Future Daughter,

This letter is mainly going to a short and simply road map to living your life to the fullest, to being happy. That is one of the most important things you need in your life. If you’re not happy then you’re just dead, well at least in my opinion. There are many ways for you to be happy, and its funny how many things, big or small, affect that. Something as silly as the socks you wear can make or break your day. I really hated the socks that my aunt always used to give me each year for Christmas. They would always slide down into my shoe, so after five minutes I would have to take my shoes off and pull up my socks. But then again they were really soft and they kept my toes nice and warm!

Anyhow one of the biggest things you can do to be happy is to be yourself and express yourself the way you want to, within reason of course. Now I want you to listen and listen well. Don’t listen to those other kids that say you’re stupid or lame. You’re not and I know it. You have to believe in yourself because only you can bring happiness into your life. Those other kids are just stupid, and you’re smart. That’s because your mother, yours truly, is smart, and your grandparents taught some really smart things to me when I was growing up. Which of course I’ll pass on to you. Express yourself through the music you listen to constantly, watch those movie you crave, adore your books, and wear your style of clothes. Those things show what kind of a person you are and who you’ll be when you’re all grown up.

Now I know saying be yourself is easier said then done, but you’ve got to be you. I remember a time when I acted like the girls I wanted to be friends with and I felt so dead inside. I realized now they were the type of girl who bullied others, and I was starting to become just like them. I wore clothes that I wasn’t comfortable in and I listened to music I didn’t understand what so ever. I pushed others around and didn’t do any of my school work. Others were starting question who I really was and so was I. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you are someone you’re not, then the real you is dead. That’s how you get that dead feeling inside because there’s no one in you. If there’s no one in you then who are you. If you’re not yourself you start questioning anything and everything to the point where you’re just so confused.

You might think happiness is really hard to get at but really isn’t. Following your dreams, being yourself, doing the things you love and have friends that love you for who you are, that will bring you happiness. Like I said before only you can bring happiness into your life. If you are always down and not happy, then you just start to repel happiness away from you. There is always going to be some really tough times, but you’ve got to work through them with the help of your family, friends and yourself. Remember there is always a silver lining to every situation, just like with the sock situation. Although some might be harder to see, they are still there you’ve just got to look a little harder. Enjoy your life; it’s the only one you’ve got.


Your Mother

Your Rights

When you are arrested for a crime, a police officer starts telling you your rights. For example, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." (1) These are known as your Miranda rights. The police have to tell you your rights before they start questioning you. This is result of the very famous and important case called Miranda v Arizona.
In 1963 Ernesto Miranda was accused of kidnapping and raping an 18 year old woman. When he was brought in for questioning, the police did not tell him his rights. In that time period the police took advantage of the fact that not everyone knew their rights by heart. Even though many of the rights in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were made so that those accused of crimes were treated fairly until proven guilty, most people do not know they have these rights.
Miranda was question without being told his rights and without having his attorney present. During his questioning Miranda confessed to the crime. However during his trial his lawyer tried to get the confession thrown out. His argument was that his client’s Fifth Amendment rights had been violated. The motion was denied. In 1966 the case was brought to the US Supreme Court. The question that the court needed to answer was who had the responsibility of informing a person of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments rights?
Miranda's lawyer believed that the use of his confession was unconstitutional, because of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment clearly state, “Nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (2) “Without due of process of law,” is the key part to his argument. The lawyer furthered argue that in order for the process of law to be complete, Miranda should have been notified of his rights.
The police officers involved admitted to not telling Miranda his rights when they questioned him. They argued that because he had been convicted of a crime in the past, he must be aware of his rights. This leads to question of what is the role of the police in protecting the rights of the accused, as guaranteed by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution. How informed is someone who has been convicted of a crime about the constitution? Does something happen during the trial process where people are taught their rights?
The case was brought to the US Supreme Court, who agreed to listen, along with three other similar cases, Vignera v. New York, Westover v. United States, and California v. Stewart. The court combined the cases together and since the Miranda vs. Arizona case was filed first, the decision took the name Miranda rights.
The opinion was 5 to 4 when the case was over. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren who stated, “That defendants arrested under state law must be informed of their constitutional rights against self-incrimination and to representation by an attorney before being interrogated when in police custody.” (3)
On September 22, 1993 Archie Dixon and Timothy Hoffner arrived at the home of Kirsten Wilkerson. (4) She had Christopher Hammer staying with her. The two were accused of beating up Hammer, tying him to a bed and robbing him. They attempted to kill Hammer by burying him alive. Dixon then stole Hammer’s birth certificate and social security card and used it to get a state ID. He used the stolen items to get the title to Hammer’s car, and then sold it for $2,800.
On November 4, the police questioned Dixon about Hammer’s disappearance. Dixon denied knowing anything about it. However the police soon found a connection between Dixon and Hammer’s car. They also believed he forged Hammer’s signature to cash a check. During his questioning, Dixon admitted to stealing and forgery. He was charged with the crime of forgery.
However the police made one major mistake. They did not tell Dixon his Miranda rights before questioning him, nor did they allow a lawyer to be present even though Dixon had requested one. Meanwhile Hoffner lead police to Hammer’s body. They questioned Dixon again. However the difference this time was they gave Dixon his Miranda rights. During the questioning Dixon admitted to kidnapping, robbery and murder. During his trial Dixon was sentenced to death for his crimes.
Dixon's lawyer argued that his confessions were not “voluntary,” because he had not been told of his rights in both questioning sessions. Further arguments included that the police should have stopped the forgery questioning when he requested a lawyer. (5) Therefore Dixon’s confessions were not voluntary.
The police said that his confessions were voluntary, because he confessed to the crimes he was being questioned about when he was read his Miranda rights. During the first questioning session, he confessed to something the police weren’t even asking him about. Therefore his confessions were voluntary.
The court ruled in favor of the police. The majority was written by Justice Gilbert Merritt. "The Court noted that Dixon was not in custody when he asserted his right to an attorney, and denied his ability to assert this right before he was in formal custody. The Court reasoned that the police’s failure to give Dixon his Miranda rights during the forgery interrogation was acceptable under the constitution because his later confession to murder was properly warned and voluntary." (6)
As citizens of the United States of American, we all have rights given to us by our Constitution. Both cases focused on whether or not these Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights were violated. In the Miranda case, he simply was not given his right at any time during questioning by the police. For Dixon, he voluntarily gave information during a questioning session. He ultimately was read his Miranda rights when questioned regarding another charge. Ultimately the arguments’ regarding their rights was decided in the US Supreme Court.
The courts have made it clear that we must insure that a person’s rights described in the Constitution are upheld. It cannot be assumed that a person automatically knows their constitutional rights. Therefore creating a consistent process for informing each and every person accused of a crime of their rights assures fairness in the judicial process. Initially that process was to simply read a person their rights. However challenges continue to be fought in the court systems as to whether or not Miranda rights are given. To strengthen the documentation of Miranda rights, some police departments have gone as far as videotaping the reading of these rights as proof. Actions such as this have been done to make each case stronger by removing any doubt that a person’s Constitutional rights were violated.
The Dixon case is such an example. He was read his Miranda rights. Yet his conviction was challenged. I believe the decision of the US Supreme Court was the right decision. Sometime it takes time to figure out how to do something right. The Miranda case showed us that everyone needs to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. This established process of reading each and every person arrested a consistent statement regarding their rights has helped to clarify the point at which they have been protected, but are now being prosecuted. Even TV has helped to educate us on our rights. You can’t turn on the TV without hearing the words, “You have the right to remain silent."

Reading Is Good......To A Point

You know how your parents always say, “You need to read more,” or “Reading is good for you.” Well I think I made a new phrase, “Paige please put that stupid book down and do something helpful.” Yeah that’s right. I took it to the extreme.
This is the story of what can happen when you focus on one thing to the point where no one can get to you, even when they really need you.
My story takes place in December of 2011 about the three or so weeks before Christmas. For the last three month I’ve been go through one of my famous phases. This one is about books, but was much worse then the usual. This phase was the need to read manga books or watch anime movies, and I couldn’t get enough! At the peak of the phase I was reading at least seven books from different series, and I’m not proud of that either. There were so many things that I should have been doing, but wasn’t.
Just to give an idea of how deep I was and maybe give you something pitiful to laugh at, I’ll say what I should have been doing but wasn’t. I could have been doing the homework that I kept putting off saying that I’ll do it during resource, but there still I was reading instead of doing what I needed to do. This would lead me to having to do the homework at the last second. I could have been practicing basketball so I could be a starter. Practicing my oboe would have been a great idea since there was a possibility that I could have a solo. Studying for the soccer referee test that I already failed once, especial since this test was my last chance to keep my job. But no, I kept reading and soon my friends stopped talking to me or calling me. I didn’t get to be a starter for basketball and no solo for me.
Yes, I had a problem. I now see that problem or burden that I was putting on myself by letting books control me. Notice I said had, I have changed my ways! I’m so glad I snapped out of my trance before I really lost everything and everyone. Now don’t think that I walked away without a scratch, my grades went down and my friends weren’t so sure of me. The biggest scratch I got was that I lost a bit of confidence in myself; I mean come on who lets books control their life? But I also walked away a little wiser too because I realized that reading is a reward. It should only be for when all my chores, homework, practices and everything that I need for tomorrow is put together is done. That’s the only time I should be relaxing because reading is a want not a need.
Now I think I’ve kept you from the story long enough, so without farther ado my story of how I snapped out of the trance. So as I said before while I had my head in the clouds, a couple of my friends got in a fight. Pause; before I continue with the story I just want to say I have change the names of my friends, because I don’t want anyone to feel hurt or anything. See I’m the secret keeper in the group. Basically what I do is I don’t stab anyone in the back by telling their secrets to others. They tell me stuff and when they’re ready to talk about it or something else they come to me. I guess I’m also a problem solver because I usual come up with solutions to other people’s problems.
Ok un-pause. The fight was over a boy in the beginning, but after a while, from what they were telling me, it started to be about calling others horrible friends and other things I won’t mention. Anyway one lunch period I saw Kara looking all down in the dumps and not acting like herself. So of course I asked her what was wrong. She told me that Izzie was mad at her. Izzie, Maddi and Coco (yes I have met someone whose name is Coco) were fighting over who could date Danny. Coco was about to ask Danny out, but Izzie beat her to him. Georgia was mad at Izzie for doing that because that’s not what friends do to each other. (I agree because Coco had to find a lot of confidence to ask out Danny.) Kara agreed with Georgia, but Izzie got mad because Kara wasn’t siding with her. Kara told me that she didn’t want to take a side; she just wanted everyone to be friends. So I told her a little secret of mine, the one way to not take a side in friend fight is to be the secret keeper of the fight or messenger between the sides. (Personal I think the messengers just gets pushed around by the sides.) Afterwards it hit me like a ton of bricks; I didn’t know anything about the fight before talking to Kara. In fact the more I listened to my others friends talking, the more I realized a lot had changed since I left planet Earth.
That’s my story; I hope you learned something from it. It might not be what I hoped you would learn, but that’s ok. For those of you who want to know what happened with the fight, it’s has been about a month, so I’ll give you an update. Izzie and Kara are great friends again, Coco is ok with Izzie dating Danny, Izzie and Georgia are better, but still a little bit edgy. Oh and I can’t forget about Maddi. She got over Danny and is now dating someone from a different school.

El Fin

The Question

To be or not to be
That is the question
What else can it be?

Before It's Too Late

The Earth is our home
The home of little animals
Who run through the land
The hills and mountains and the trees
The Earth is our home
The only one we’ve ever known
So why do we keep hurting it
By dumping garbage in its lands
Where we could grow food
By putting gases into the air
That we need so dearly
By placing acids in the seas
And oceans and bodies of water
When we need water to live
Why do we kill the little animals
Who’ve done nothing wrong
Why do we build more buildings
Instead of replacing the old
The Earth is our home
The only one we’ve ever known
And the only one we’ll ever know
So why don’t we start protect it
Instead of hurt it
Before it’s too late.