Arab Springs

The Arab Spring has been popping up in many countries in northern Africa and central Asia. But many people have started to question whether or not the revolutions created by the spring are for the better good. There are many positive effects coming from the Arab Springs. But the biggest one is that the citizens of those countries that has gone through or are still going through the revolution get to start over. New governments mean there are new choices to choose from, new leaders who have a different way of looking at situations. With those new leaders comes justice for those who did wrong and laws that only hurt the people are removed. With the older and outdated laws being removed, a better life is possible for everyone. The citizens can now make their own decisions on how they want to live, and they are given their rights back; including the right to freedom. There are many negatives effects as well but it all starts with the person in charge not wanting to give up their power and giving themselves more power until they control everything. After some time the people disagree with the dictator and start protesting, the government fights back and you get violence between the two groups. That Violence leads to deaths and families torn apart, and along with all of that the economy goes bad. Which only causes more trouble for the people who are fighting for freedom. With the economy down, prices go up on everything and people can’t take care of their families with all the money being lost. Now other countries d get involved because they’re being affected as well. Most of them side with the people, the angered government tights it grip on the people with more rules and regulations. That only leads to more fighting, then after the people win and the dictator finally stands down, the people still have to deal with the biggest effect. It will take a really long time for the process of getting the country back into order and where the people want it to be. All in all we’ll have to wait and see what happens. Then and only then can we decide if the revolutions were for the better.

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