Thanks To You

Many are safe
We feel safe
Others are no longer in danger

There is less fear
We know no fear
Others fear no more

Many still live
We live longer
Many a lives are better

The horrors have moved on
We know not what horrors are
The horrors are over

There are borders
Our borders are in no trouble
Their borders are of less trouble

There is honor
We know what honor is
They’re learn honor

The name hero lives on
We our heroes stand taller
They now know what heroes are

Thank you for putting your life on the line
Thank you for protecting us
For helping them
Thank you for showing them the way
Thank you for saving lives
Thank you for standing up
For the little guy
Thank you for standing for liberty
Thank you for serving in the name of freedom

I made this in honor of my dad's friend Mike, who is currently serving in the military. Thank you to all who have and are serving.

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