What A Charmer

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 purpose is to introduce the lesser characters and show how easily the families fight. The families got into a fight even though Sampson wasn’t really “biting his thumb” at Abram. As the fight continues more and more family members joins the fight. Then some citizens who are feed up with all of their nonsense joins the fight which only makes it worst. When the Prince showed up everything hit rock bottom. He got real mad at both family and tells them that the next time they break the peace they’ll pay with their heads. Well I guess that’s one way to stop them from fighting. Later on Romeo finally showed up but all he could do was talk about his horrible love life. What a charmer.

A Child's Relationship

The story of Romeo and Juliet portrays a mother-daughter relationship that can only be described as awkward. In act one scene three Lady Capulet appears to be bossy and just wants Juliet to marry Count Paris. However Juliet doesn’t seem to want to want or care about marriage at the time of the conversation. When her nurse called her at the beginning of the scene Juliet answered like it was her real mother, and not her birth mother. When the nurse told her it was her actual mother calling her Juliet immediately straighten up and started to act like a proper lady instead of the teenager that she is. It seems to me that she likes the Nurse more than her own mother, because once her mother give birth to her she basically give Juliet over to the Nurse to be taken care of. If that was me I would be very mad with my mother because she didn’t even take the time to take care of me herself.
Now my relationship with my mother is totally different than Juliet’s. My mother was always there for me when I needed help, and her opinion is very important to me. Unlike Juliet’s mother my mother raised me along with my father and I rarely ever had a babysitter. Thanks to my mother I learned how to cook, how to sew, and how to do CPR way before a lot of kids my age did. Without her a lot the problems I had with my friends, family, school, and fashion emergency would never had been solved.
I believe that a child’s relationship with its parents or parent does affect how the child acts. If the parent treats the child madly then the child will become a bully at school. Why, because the child can’t take his or hers angry out on the parent so the child’s angry turns towards smaller children that can’t protect themselves. If the parent treats the child nicely and give it everything it wants then the child will think that is the way with everyone. Well it’s really not and when the child doesn’t get what it wants it throws a fit. There is a lot research that shows what I just said. So in order to have a child who isn’t spoiled and isn’t a bully you need to give it a little bit of what it wants but also teach it that needs come before wants.


Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet is to build the foundation for Romeo and Juliet's love at first scene. Count Paris wants to marry Juliet. He approaches her father, Lord Capulet to discuss marrying Juliet. Lord Capulet feels Juliet is too young for marriage. Meanwhile Juliet's mother and nurse believe she is ready for marriage, and that Paris would be a perfect husband. However Juliet shows no interest in love or marriage. That is about to change, as Romeo is accidentally invited to a party at the Capulet's mansion, along with Paris.

The Right To Chose Death

Your life meaning you are in control of it, what you eat or what you drink. Therefore you have the right to decide to die. But some people haven’t been able to do that because of doctors. Let’s put you into a situation where you are paralyzed from the neck down and you don’t want to live having to be taken care of like a baby until the day you die. Would you want that life, to have to depend on someone or else you’ll die? Probably not, and I don’t blame you cause I wouldn’t want that either. However the doctors that are giving you the machines that help you breathe and other things say you can’t choose you death because you’re mentally challenge! That is just wrong because those doctors haven’t lived through the pain and suffering that comes with being paralyzed or a disease that takes so much from you. If one is suffering and they want to die then they should have the right to. It’s their life; it’s in their control so why are we butting in on their decision?

A Friar's Decision

When Friar Lawrence made his decision to help Romeo with his secret wedding, he did so in hopes that the two families would stop fighting. Romeo and Juliet love each other very much so in order to take their love to the next level they have decide to get married in secret. But they need a priest to join them in God’s eyes so Romeo asks Friar Lawrence for his help, “I’ll tell thee as we pass, but this I pray: that thou consent to marry us today.” (2.3.63-64) Father Lawrence’s decision to help may not have been very wise because he didn’t think about what may happen if the Capulet’s and the Montague’s find out about the wedding. “Within the infant rind of this small flower, poison hath residence and medicine power. For this, being smelt, with the part cheers each part; being tasted, stays all senses with the heart.” (2.3.23 – 26) This marriage may end both his and many other Innocent people’s life, because of Romeo and Juliet’s love. However he may be thinking that Romeo won’t go through with the wedding because he finally came to his senses. By senses I mean finally realizing that he doesn’t truly love Juliet, he just lusted after her to the point where he got himself confused. With this in mind, we can see that love can be a beautiful thing but it may also lead people to do things they would never do in their right minds.

Human Trafficking

Trafficking is a hard topic to deal with, talk about or write about. There are millions of victims each year, and only a few thousands are saved. There is one country whose government is almost encouraging human trafficking. China’s One Child Policy is very simple to understand.
“The rules are simple: families are permitted only one child if the first is a son.” In China if your first child is a daughter, the government will allow you to have a second child in order to have a son. Any additional births come with a $3,500 fine. For those living and working in the country, that amount is equivalent to two decades wages. This policy came from traditions in China that value sons more than daughters. As one man put it sons are Gods and daughters are a burden because of the policy.
However many traditions in China go against the policy which leaves you wondering why on earth did they make the policy? “Family planning is very, very, very strict here. Last year, I had a son; so now we can’t have any more children. But the tradition here is big families and lots of sons. So no one is very happy,” a man by the last name of Xin said. Not many families have the money to keep an extra child, so they are willing to sell girls. In other cases families give up their first or second born daughters, so they can keep trying to have a son as their only child.
“It’s not that these people don’t love their babies. But they are very poor and if they can sell them for a few thousand Yuan, they will do it. Family planning limits encourage the selling of girls. That way they can give birth again and hope for a boy,” a trafficking official named Yu Qing said.
Experts say the kidnapping and sale of children is a direct result of China’s One Child policy. If a family can’t produce a son options include having one stolen from a family on the other half of the country, buy one that was already put up for sale or get one from the government. Officials have abducted children from families that won’t give up their extra child/children. Despite these issues the government of China refuses to see the damage that is being created by the One Child Policy.
As the One Child policy contains, it bring additional problems. There are many more males then females. As males approach the age to marry, they find there aren’t enough females. The shortage of marriageable woman increase the demand for abducted woman. Chinese woman and other woman from all around the world are being trafficked through China for sexual exploitation, forced marriage, illegal adoption, forced labor or they are left in the streets to beg for help that usual doesn’t come. Sometimes young girls are sold to become the wife of an older man. Victims’ lives are torn apart and no one is helping them.
The policy of limiting a family to one child, preferably a male comes with consequences that perhaps were not thought of when it was written. Parents have to decide which child to keep. Some parents make a decision to sell a child and will never know what ultimately happens to them. The most horrific consequences are to those who are abducted or sold into human trafficking. Policies are generally put into place to solve a problem. The simple One Child policy has created nothing but a complicated situation.

No End To Debt

Afghanistan’s status differentials in wealth will always be the same because of the citizens never ending debt. In Afghanistan citizens work their entire lives but only manage to pay off a fraction of their debt. In the article In Afghan Kilns, a Cycle of Debt and Servitude, you see a father, Mr. Muhammad, worried that his children will never fine happiness because they’ll have to pay off his debt when he dies. “For the vast majority of workers, there is no escape – for them or for their children, who are bound by their parent’s contracts.” The people of Afghanistan usual fall into debt because of the costs for a funeral or a wedding, so they ask for a loan from their employer. But when you are only paid pennies a day, which is barely enough to survive on, let alone too small to pay off their debts which continues to grow. “I was 7 years old when I started working, my family owned 10,000 rupees then. Today, we owe 150,000 rupees,” said Nick Muhammad. Not only will Nick and his brother have to pay their fathers debt but also their own if they want to get married. “But he looks at his father, trapped in the field of brick for 30 years. “I will have to borrow money to get married, but I am afraid if I borrow money from the kiln owner, then I will have to work here forever.” Think for a second if Nick does pay his father debt first before he dies then his children will have to pay off his debt. Then their children will pay their debt so on and so forth. It’s a never ending circle of debt.

Love Your Dearest Juliet

Thy Dearest Romeo,

Oh how I loved thee upon our first met. Thee eyes so full of depth. emotion, and love. Thee heart so full of love, that it makes mine overflow. Oh and thy love for you has no end. I believe beauty’s pen made you with me in mind. Thee body is made of wax, but thy soul is so gentle. Please make me wait no longer. Met me tomorrow morrow at the edge of the trees. Please I beg of you please met me. Our parents grudge doesn’t mean anything to me, only you mean everything to me.


Your Dearest Juliet

Just Need time

Please remember...
A huge change
Has happened
To my life
I just need time
And this is
All so new
I don't know
What to do
Besides hiding in
The corner
Feeling a
Little shy
I just need time
But please don't
Be afraid
To ask to
View me
If you think
I'm cute
I just need time
To come out
Of my shell
I'm really
Quite sweet
Once you get
To know me
But please
Just remember
I just need time

I Wish To Change

I wish to change the number of deaths
I wish to change the number of animals hurt
I wish to change the number of children left behind
I wish to change the number of hurt souls
I wish to change the amount of pollution in the world
I wish to change the world so that it is better for all